SSMTP and emails from Root not arriving

My daily and weekly status updates from Root stopped appearing in my main inbox a while back, (probably when I switched from Sendmail to SSMTP.  )  but they did appear in my secondary email account as this was the bounce-back address for email failures, as failure reports.

Issue seemed to be that the Root mail box was not reachable anymore.   Attempts to amend an alias to have them delivered to a live account failed as most of the method listed for amending Root’s alias are for Sendmail.

A bit of googling found this post and identified the correct file to edit as /ETC/MAIL.RC and add

set append dot save ask crt
ignore Received Message-Id Resent-Message-Id Status Mail-From Return-Path Via
alias root

to finally restore my housekeeping updates from the system


Problems updating WordPress

Had been playing around which Apache to add a new virtual host and somewhere, somehow, the auto update on WordPress stopped working and insisted that I entered the FTP credentials which is not something I have enabled on this server.   A bit of googling came across this post highlighted a potential work around in the WP-config.php to allow direct updates.    A quick edit with EE and an apachectl restart and WordPress update routine worked flawlessly as it did before, with out needing FTP access.