Alexa and multiple lights/objects in one room

Alexa and her sister Echo have developed an annoying habit at the moment of grouping all the objects in a room and turning then all on or off, even when just want to command one object.

“Alexa, turn on the lounge light” now turns of the Xbox, the lounge lamp and the lounge TV, Trying to turn on the “night lights” she informs me that the garden lights do not support that function and which lights do I mean.

I have gone back thru Kasa and Tapo settings, renamed a few devices and even swapped their rooms but group mode seems to be all Alexa can handle at the mo. I assume this an Amazon issue, but continue to look for a resolution.

Not much going on

Been rather busy with work, and when I am done, not wanted to sit in front of a different laptop and while away even more hours. Therefore updates to the site and various tech around the house has been rather slow.

I guess biggest success was retrieving the old Atari 800XL from the loft with the 1050 5.25″ Floppy Drive and seeing the thing boot up 1st time in over 10 years. Almost 25 year old tech… Been meaning to dig out the old games and play, but both joysticks seem worse for wear and not survived the many years of inaction.

Dropzone – more practice recommended…
