Had been playing around which Apache to add a new virtual host and somewhere, somehow, the auto update on WordPress stopped working and insisted that I entered the FTP credentials which is not something I have enabled on this server. A bit of googling came across this post highlighted a potential work around in the WP-config.php to allow direct updates. A quick edit with EE and an apachectl restart and WordPress update routine worked flawlessly as it did before, with out needing FTP access.
Mobile posting
might actually get around to updating more often now as finally sorted the mobile app to allow me to upload from the phone. Stay tuned!
Automated certificates
Finally got around to researching how to automate Certificate renewals on Freebsd and now have the Cron job running to take care of things.
Downtime – Packages vs Ports
Website has been down a few days as been very busy, so tried to rely on package updates rather than building from ports to keep everything patched as Perl and Python going thru the ‘Flavour’ splitting and packages where supposed to be easier. To cut a long story short, it also downgraded my PHP version and dropped the Database support module in the process. So in order to get the website back up I have had to manually install the port for the DB support, mixing packages and ports which is not a good idea. At least the site is up and running again and I shall stick to ports in the future to ensure the latest patches are always applied.
Updated links
Added a few links I tend to find useful, or should make the time to read more.
New Server Up
After a few years offline, a new server is up for testing and playing with new services on.