LetsEncrypt update failures

As the server is hosted from home, sometime the droning of the Hard Drive and fans annoys me and as I only host this for fun and self learning it occasionally gets turned of. This meant it missed the Cron Jobs that that should have replaced the cert long before renewal date.

Added to that, when I moved I locked down the router config and only allowed port 443 thru to the webserver to only permit TLS/SSL traffic and not plain HTTP. In the main this has worked well, but also meant the certbot script failed to renew the cert on demand as it could not write to the .wellknown folder on port 80.

So, now port forwarded port 80 to the server and the certificate has updated as required.

Not much going on

Been rather busy with work, and when I am done, not wanted to sit in front of a different laptop and while away even more hours. Therefore updates to the site and various tech around the house has been rather slow.

I guess biggest success was retrieving the old Atari 800XL from the loft with the 1050 5.25″ Floppy Drive and seeing the thing boot up 1st time in over 10 years. Almost 25 year old tech… Been meaning to dig out the old games and play, but both joysticks seem worse for wear and not survived the many years of inaction.

Dropzone – more practice recommended…


Apple Watch 6 fails to install data plan

Was lucky enough to order and take delivery of the new Apple Watch 6 on launch day, but joy slightly tempered by ongoing issues to transfer my 4G data plan from the old Series 3 to the new device.

Various calls to EE, my network provider so far have been unable to resolve, despite various resetting of the watch and phone settings to get it working.

Only really a pain when out running, as I don’t take my phone so missed SMS and other alerts. Apparentlty a known issue, but not helping me much….

AppleTV – new toys

Sorting out the house over the summer I came across an old AppleTV Gen 2 box. Its long since gave up getting updates and logging into the damn things proved a trial as its too old to recognize 2FA logins.
Some googling threw up the fact you can still do this, but have to append the generate 2FA code to your password in the password field.

This unlocked my iCloud so I could bring up my Camera Roll and finally accessed all the photos I have taken over the years from my phone. Too many don’t make it into proper albums or printed, but watching them back brings back happy memories of holidays and days out.

A bonus byproduct of this trial of viewing old photos, which I had hooked into the AV AMP under the telly, was the music quality that was being pumped out alongside the pictures. Being a Gen2 AppleTv, though the pictures although good did not match the audio quality, being a max of 720 lines.. not even full HD.

A quick trawl of Amazon turned up the AppleTV 4K 64Gb model on a next day delivery with payments spread over 5 months.. Not quite an impulse purchase, but now I have access to all of the Apple content and HQ music and easy access to all the family photos for not much more that a good quality digital photo frames of not so long ago.

the TvOS has come along way since the original device, so will probably penlty of playing with the new apps and settings to get things just right.